Simply put; the kitchen is the soul of the Home. It is where the nourishment comes from. Food is essential in everyday living. Your cabinetry should reflect these ideals. CAC designs kitchens in the most practical way. We handle kitchen projects with 3 things in mind. Food handling, cooking and cleaning. We break down the kitchen into these 3 main concepts, so we can understand how people and things flow in and out of the kitchen.
First things first. Food handling.
When it comes to food handling, we think of 2 main components. Your fridge and your pantry. We strive for these two components to stay together. When pantries and refrigerators are paired together, it makes for a very convenient kitchen because all the food is together in one place. No need to scramble or move from one end of the kitchen to the other. It needs to be simple and it needs to be accessible.
Next steps: Cooking.
Cooking refers to any area that is destined to prep, cook and cool down food. First thing to consider in this step is where the cooktops and oven will go. It is a good idea to keep them within close range. At CAC we always consider the appliance type that the client has in mind and we make suggestions/modifications based on the space available. Proper ventilation is always considered at this step (making sure a hood or downdraft is accounted for). Microwave placement is a very important part of this phase. The trick with getting microwave placement right is to make sure its accessible by everyone without disrupting the cook.
At CAC we make sure your cleaning area and dishwasher are accounted for. Also, at this step we ensure that cleaning supplies have a dedicated place in the kitchen for easy access. Making sure you place the trashcans properly also is a key factor in considering all the cleaning needs of a kitchen.
Once we identify these key areas, we translate them onto a floorplan which we then use to the design the leftover storage areas and move on to aesthetics. CAC has a systematic approach to custom kitchen cabinetry projects. It must be functional, it has to be beautiful and it will be built the right way.